The summer after my junior year of college I worked at the base of Mount Rainier. I schlepped and cleaned rental gear for a small outdoor gear shop. I spent my time running through the old growth forests and cutting my teeth climbing in the local mountains. It was a season filled with adventure, and there seemed to be a new wonder around every corner. This was one of my last carefree summers before diving into the real world. Little did I know I would return here time and time again, an environment as rich in color and vibrancy as it is in history.
When I was asked to lead our team’s first workshop here, I jumped at the opportunity. I couldn’t wait for the chance to return with a camera, and to help guests experience that wonder I had many times before. Before I realized it, our group was having our first dinner together at our lodging near the airport. That next day we left for the park, excited and ready for what was ahead.
In the national park, our group began by photographing a few of the more popular locations. These included Christine Falls and Ricksecker Point, along with a couple of locales along the Nisqually river. It was a peaceful morning, as we had these locations mostly to ourself. It was quieter than I had anticipated it would be, and we took full advantage. After photographing in this part of the park for a few hours we enjoyed lunch at Longmire before continuing on. After a while more in this area we made the drive to the Paradise Inn, our lodging for the first half of the trip. After check in, we rested for a couple of hours before enjoying dinner at the resident restaurant, then left to walk the Deadhorse Creek trail for sunset. It was a fantastic evening filled with photographed wildflowers and soft evening light.
The next morning, we photographed the sunrise at Reflection Lake, enjoying one of the best sunrises I’ve seen while leading a tour (I swear they just keep getting better). The lake was quiet, and the clouds fired over Rainier and the surrounding landscape. After nearly three hours here we left to enjoy breakfast at one of my favorite restaurants in the area, Copper Creek Inn. Whether ordering a classic breakfast or their French toast, it’s near impossible to go wrong.
Afterwards, we spent time at a few more locations along the road to Paradise, most notably the beautiful Narada waterfall. We chose to have a light lunch and instead opted to start our hike of the Skyline trail early. Everyone moved at their own pace, enjoying the scenery and the wildflower bloom. Regardless of how much time I’ve spent in this area of the park, I always forget how steep the hike up to Panorama Point can be. We spent a couple of hours wandering this trail system before returning to the lodge for an afternoon break. We left early for dinner, once again leaving the park to eat at another favorite spot of mine. We had dinner at Wildberry, an authentic Himalayan-infused joint with a great menu. That night we all learned just how good pie can really be.
After dinner we made our way back to the Skyline trail. This time, we hiked to Myrtle falls. The fog was heavy but we pushed through. The evening was getting long and we hadn’t seen much, but at the last moment the clouds lifted and Mount Rainier showed itself. It turned what would have been an uneventful evening into an extremely enjoyable outing. Patience is a virtue, and that theory was tested!
The fog persisted into the morning, and even patience wasn’t enough to get us a good photograph. Instead, we opted for a slower morning and a late breakfast. After we ate, we packed our things and left for the east side of the park. Eventually the clouds did lift and we enjoyed a wonderful afternoon of photography with a great atmosphere. We photographed at a handful of pullouts along Stevens Canyon Road before committing to our drive to Crystal Mountain. We checked into our hotel, the Alpine Inn, before having dinner at a restaurant at the resort. After, we made the drive to Sunrise, a part of the park that boasts big and powerful views of Mount Rainier.
The beginning part of this night’s sunset seemed promising, but lingering clouds kept us from seeing the summit until blue hour. Nonetheless, we all took a handful of images and enjoyed the cool evening air. The cooler mornings and nights were a welcome respite from what had otherwise been a scorching summer. After, we returned to our hotel for a well-deserved rest.
This trip was slightly nostalgic for me, and the park provided an experience just as it always had in the past. I know that everyone in our group left with a portfolio of images to be proud of, and a beautiful experience that will not easily be forgotten.