The most common questions I hear on workshops are always, “What lens do I need to bring?”, “Can I leave my telephoto?”, “Will I need my wide angle?”
My answer is always the same: “Bring them All”.
While that may sound dismissive, or perhaps even sarcastic, the truth is that I genuinely believe that having your full kit of lenses will benefit your creativity and lead to more successful photography.
I do understand why people ask, though. They want to save weight, or they don’t want to have to change lenses outside, or in windy conditions. Perhaps they just want to know what lens I am going to shoot with. These are all legitimate concerns, but whatever the reasoning is, having a full range of focal lengths is always ideal. I like to think of my camera gear as tools in a toolbox. Some tools get used everyday for most projects and others are more specialty pieces of equipment. Even if the tool isn’t used frequently, it should still be available to you. The last thing I want is to be working on a project and look down and realize I don’t have the right gear for the job. Would a carpenter leave his hammer at home?