Do you know how to spot wildlife at a National Park?
Look for cars parked in the middle of the highway, of course!”
Perhaps you’ve previously heard that zinger, but it really is true. Ask anyone who’s been to Yellowstone National Park, and they’ll have a story for you. These ‘events’ even have their own name: ‘Bear Jams.’
It’s not only Yellowstone. Grand Canyon National Park has ‘Elk Jams,’ and moose have been known to cause a ruckus at Glacier. Yet nothing stops traffic quite like a bear.
Backcountry Journeys photo guide, Ben Blankenship, wrote in his Trip Report about his group’s first encounter with a bear while on the Spring Yellowstone & Grand Teton tour. “There are several other types of ‘jams’ encountered (at Yellowstone), but a “bear jam” is easily identified by the number of cars and the excitement on the faces of people standing along the road.”
There are two types of bears found at Yellowstone. In fact, the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is one of the few areas south of Canada where black bears coexist with grizzly bears. Either species can be spotted from the roadside.
Who’s Who – Telling the difference
If you don’t know anything about bears, it’d be easy to assume that one can tell the difference between a Black bear and a Grizzly bear simply by color and size. Black bears are black, Grizzlies are brown. Grizzlies are much larger, right? Not so fast. At Yellowstone, only about half of the Black bear population is black in color. Some are brown, others are blonde, and some are even cinnamon in color. Grizzlies may be pale—almost luminous blonde, or reddish-blonde, light brown, darker brown, or almost black. And although grizzly bears are typically larger than black bears, size is not a great indicator for which species is which.
So then what can we look for when trying to determine whether we are photographing a black bear or a grizzly? Let’s take a look at a couple of details that photographers, like us, can use while still maintaining a safe distance from the animal.- Shoulder Hump
The best indicators are the size of the shoulders. The grizzly bear has a pronounced shoulder hump, which the black bear lacks.
- Facial Profile
A grizzly typically has a concave or dish-shaped profile that extends from between its eyes to the end of its nose. A black bear normally has a fairly straight profile from forehead to nose tip. A grizzly’s muzzle is broader and more prominent; their eyes appear closer together and deeper set.
- Ear Shape
Grizzly bears have smaller, more rounded ears, that are much fuzzier looking. Whereas the ears of a black bear appear larger, longer, more erect, and pointed.
Black Bear
The Black bear is the most common and widely distributed bear species in North America, found in 40 U.S. States. They typically live in forests but also have been found to live in mountains and swamps. While they have few natural predators, both cubs and adults are susceptible to being killed by their own kind or by wolves, cougars and grizzly bears.
Their average lifespan (in the wild) is 20 years. They grow to 5-6 feet in length and weigh between 200 and 600 pounds. Black bears eat nearly anything, including grass, fruits, tree cambium, eggs, insects, fish, elk calves, and carrion. They like to climb trees, which their short, curved claws enable them to do. Males and females without cubs are solitary, except during the mating season, which at Yellowstone is between May and early July.
Grizzly Bear
The grizzly bear is a subspecies of brown bear, and once roamed large swaths of the mountains and prairies of the American West. Today, the grizzly bear remains in only a few isolated locations in the lower 48 states, including Yellowstone and northwest Montana. In coastal Alaska, the Grizzly bear is known as the Brown bear. The difference is mostly attributed to where they live (coastal areas) and what they eat (salmon).
Grizzly bears live up to 25 years (in the wild), growing to 5-8 feet in length and upwards of 800 pounds. They are powerful, top-of-the-food-chain predators, yet much of their diet consists of nuts, berries, fruit, leaves, and roots. They’re almost vegans, but not quite, as they can also eat other animals, from rodents to moose, from time-to-time.
Between Black bear and Grizzly, the ‘Griz’ is the species you’d rather not get too close to. They can be dangerous to humans, particularly if surprised or if a person gets between a momma and her cubs.
This spring, come with Backcountry Journeys to explore and photograph the vibrant landscapes & thriving Black bear and Grizzly bear populations of Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks.
We’ll photograph more than just bears, too. During springtime, many species of wildlife, such as Elk, Bison, and Pronghorn, are calving. Yellowstone is home to the largest concentration of mammals in the lower 48 states, and we’ll be “on the hunt” for Bighorn sheep, Moose, Mountain goats, and deer as well as Canada lynx, Coyote, Mountain lion, Wolverine, and even Wolves!
Landscapers will love locations like Lower Falls, Oxbow Bend, as well as the Snake River Overlook.
Backcountry Journeys offers several photo tour options (in spring and autumn) that will visit Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks. Pick from ‘hiker’ or ‘standard’ tours, as well as a vehicle-based ‘Safari’ style tour to Yellowstone.